All presentations from the workshop on the relationship between fiscal sustainability, redistribution, and social spending are now available online at the National Treasury’s website. The workshop opened by the Minister of Finance and held in Pretoria, South Africa on November 5th, sought to inform discussion about South Africa’s fiscal choices as it implements the National Development Plan (NDP). The five presentations, including the one given by Professor Lustig, can be viewed and downloaded here.
Category: Conferences
Presentation at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
This past Tuesday, September 2nd, Prof. Nora Lustig gave a presentation on the Impact of Fiscal Policy on Inequality and Poverty in Developing Countries. This presentation was part of an ongoing Seminar series at UNAM that focuses on “la cuestión Social”, the theme this week was “Política fiscal, equidad y transparencia”. Prof. Lustig presented recent finding of the Commitment to Equity initiative, with a particular focus on Latin American countries. Click here for a pdf (in spanish) of the presentation.