Two New CEQ Working Papers Now Available

Commitment to Equity is pleased to announce the availability of two new working papers published this past January. Click the title below to view:

No. 22: Fiscal Policy and Ethno-Racial Inequality in Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala and Uruguay. By Nora Lustig

No. 27: Public Transfer and Poverty Reduction: An Evaluation of Program Contribution to the Exit Rate from Poverty of Children and the Elderly. By Marisa Bucheli

In Focus: World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum is an institution that provides a unique environment for politicians, business leaders, academics and others to exchange ideas to improve the state of the world. This week, Olli Rehn, VP of the European Parliament, posted an article addressing three key questions for public finance:

– What kind of policy mix of monetary policy, fiscal policy and structural reforms can support stronger and more sustainable growth?

– How do we protect budget lines that support growth in the medium-to-long-term, such as public investment to modern infrastructure and competitive innovation, while maintaining a decent level of social protection?

– How to ensure the adequacy and sustainability of social protection systems while making them more supportive to growth?

Read the article here

Announcing Publication of CEQ Guatemala Paper

Commitment to Equity’s 20th Working Paper “Fiscal Policy, Inequality, and the Ethnic Divide in Guatemala” is now available to download on Written by Maynor Cabrera (Fedes), Nora Lustig (Tulane University), and Hilcías E. Morán (Bank of Guatemala), the paper uses fiscal incidence analysis to show that takes and transfers do almost nothing to reduce inequality and poverty in Guatemala, one of the most unequal countries in Latin America.